Notice to Mariners No.203(T) – 2024

Barwon Water – Rising Main Works – Barwon Heads – Barwon River – Geelong Road

Date: Effective from 20 May 2024


Excavation water is proposed to be discharged into an existing stormwater drain that outfalls to the Barwon River estuary, during the above project.
Water quality testing will be undertaken daily in the first week and twice weekly thereafter.
Erosion protection works have been considered to protect the riverbed and seagrass beds at this point location. A temporary placement of a rock mattress in front of the stormwater outlet to intercept the water and dissipate the energy from moving water will be used for this process.
The erosion mattress will be placed at approximate location (WGS84)
38° 16′ 31″S, 144° 29′ 48″E (See attached Plan 1).

Mariners, anglers, river users and vessel operators are advised to keep clear of this area during the works period.
