Hooded Plover chick on Bukareeyoo

A Hooded Plover chick has successfully hatched on Bukareeyoo.

The chick and its family are located on the tip of Bukareeyoo (previously known as the Ocean Grove Spit).

To give this vulnerable chick every chance of surviving, Barwon Coast has placed a temporary beach closure on the tip of Bukareeyoo.

To travel between the Bridge Oceanside Car Park (20W) and Bridge Riverside Car Park (20W) and the Barwon Heads Bridge, please ensure you use the pathways as indicate by signage.

The beach closure is temporary and includes the area from the toe of the sand dune to the water’s edge. The area is well signed with a rope cordon; please remain outside the exclusion zone and keep dogs on leads.

We appreciate your help protecting these vulnerable birds. 

Maintain a breeding population of Hooded Plover is a key outcome in the Barwon Coast Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2020-2025.

We will keep the community up-to-date with the chick’s progress. Find out more about Hooded Plovers here.
