Barwon Coast recently ran a six-week public consultation on the draft Barwon Coast Caravan and Camping Park Master Plan. The consultation was open from Monday 21 August until Monday 2 October, and is now closed.
During the consultation, the local community, stakeholders and campers were invited to have their say and provide feedback on the draft Caravan and Camping Parks Master Plan by:
- Reading the draft Master Plan
- Completing an online survey
- Sending a submission
- Attending a camper or community drop-in information session.
We greatly appreciate the time campers, stakeholders and our local communities took to provide their thoughts.
Over the consultation period, Barwon Cost received 96 completed surveys and 14 email submissions and spoke to over 270 people at the camper and community information sessions.
All feedback and input will be considered in finalising the Master Plan. The final Master Plan is expected to be released, along with a Community Consultation Report, in late 2023.
You can find out more about the Caravan and Camping Parks Master Plan on the dedicated project web page.