Looking to lend a hand, helping care for the coast this summer?
Find a match for your interests and skills by joining a local volunteer group!
Love talking to people about our local environment and history? The Barwon Estuary Heritage Centre (Lobster Pot) could be for you!
Enjoy planning events and keeping the cogs turning in a small team? Ocean Grove Coastcare is seeking committee members to be appointed at the 30 November AGM.
Keen to help protect Hooded Plovers that live and nest on our local beaches? BirdLife Australia/Friends of the Hooded Plovers could be your match!
See below for more information.
Friends of the Lobster Pot
This volunteer group manages the displays, opening hours and activities at the Barwon Estuary Heritage Centre in Barwon Heads. Open every Sunday from 1-4pm with extra hours through January.
What you can do: Learn about the displays with an experienced mentor and take shifts to share information with visitors. If you don’t want to be front and centre, there are also roles cleaning and maintaining the centre, and planning events. Volunteers are welcome at meetings that occur every 2 months and at working bees.
Essential requirement: Working With Children Check (volunteer)
Contact the group for more information/to sign up: email behc.lobsterpot@gmail.com
Ocean Grove Coastcare
Ocean Grove Coastcare protects and enhances the natural values of Ocean Grove’s coastal environment through education, hands-on activities, and partnerships with land managers, the community and other key stakeholders.
What you can do: All committee roles will soon become vacant, and this year we’re particularly looking for a secretary, vice president and general members. Committee members attend monthly meetings, contribute to organising events, prepare communications, and plan projects. Committee members benefit from training opportunities such as first aid and local networking with like-minded organisations.
Nominations for all committee roles will be received and counted at the Ocean Grove Coastcare AGM on Thursday 30th November, 6.30-8.30pm at Bellarine Training and Community Hub, Ocean Grove (all members of the public welcome).
Contact the group for more information: oceangrovecoastcare@gmail.com
Friends of the Hooded Plover Bellarine and Breamlea/BirdLife Australia
Friends of the Hooded Plover are on-the-ground groups of volunteers who protect local populations of these vulnerable beach-nesting birds. They are particular busy keeping an eye on local Hooded Plovers when they’re nesting and raising chicks from August to March. Find out about our local ‘Hoodie’ population here.
What you can do: There are lots of ways to help, from taking shifts monitoring birds on the beach to speaking to the pubic to data entry. BirdLife Australia provides all information and training to become a volunteer with your local group.
Find out about all the groups that volunteer to care for the coast on our Volunteers page.